• Member Since 18th Dec, 2015


Just a dude reading stories

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Estimated Reading: 21 weeks



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Our protagonists awakens in Equestria as a with only a bare bone understanding of the world they are now in.

And after a bad encounter with Trixie our protagonist Amber Wood has decided to stick around Ponyville.

Will living in Equestria help heal the wounds her old life left behind.

This tale begins just before the start of the series.

Chapters (34)

On that fateful night on the moon, the princess of night is truly no more, and from those ashes, rises a new entity that is forced to take over her mantle, all her good and her sin.

Destiny weaved by the harmony itself laid before her. A part of the grand story, to be a tutorial villain, to be an exposition giver's sidekick, and to be slaved away beside the golden throne, then retired to a hut in god knows where, lost in history.

"Fuck that I'm out"

And so begin a new tale.

  1. Half of "dark" tags are there as precaution because i will skimps over a bit but very rarely. for example Non-consensual will be use one time on no-name one-time oc character in a flashback. as far as i planned currently.
  2. This is my first time writing a long novel. I promised to post the full plot outline somewhere if I somehow unable to finish it.
Chapters (31)

Oblivion Shadow is a master Witcher of the Wolf School. A contract on a Leshens head brings him to the edge of the Northern Realms to answer a call for help. The fight starts off as normal. A second Leshen attack leaves him fighting on two fronts. The Witcher is able to escape, or so he thought when a sharp pain in his back leaves him waking up in Equestria. He is taken in by the Apple family, who treat him as one of their own. He is welcomed by the ponies of this world and he must learn how to accept that or risk upsetting a balance that he did not realize he was a part of. The question he has to ask himself is how does he get back to his world? Or does he even want to go back to a world that is fraught with war and drowning in hate and rage? His senses tell him that monsters from his world are in this new one but he can't seem to track them down. Could his world be bleeding into this one, and how bad will the damage be? He follows the Mane 6 and learns through them what it means to be a friend and a brother.

Featured: 8/12/2019
Featured: 5/9/2022
Featured: 5/18/2022
Featured: 6/19/2022
Featured: 7/17/2022
Featured: 8/17/2022
Featured: 2/28/2024
Featured: 3/7/2024
Featured: 3/28/2024
Featured: 4/2/2024
Featured: 5/4/2024

Chapters (117)

This story is a sequel to Twilight Sparkle's Addiction

Ever since the awkward incident with Twilight and Anon, Celestia has had an interest in Anons "sritches and pets" as he says.

Today is the day she finally tries them. She just hopes that they really are as good as Twilight has been hyping them up to be.

(Not sure who the artist is. If anyone informs me I'll credit them.)

Holy moly. Featured 1 hour after posting and achieved top of popular. 2/5 - 7/5/24

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia has become quite worried about her dear friend when she has started acting unlike herself. She has a hunch that the newest resident of Ponyville is to blame.

Featured on 1/5/2024 - 6/5/2024 and top of Popular. Thanks guys

There is a Russian translation about this story, Celestia's story and Luna's story on FicBook, PonyFiction and Tabun.

Chapters (1)

Blackjack, grappling with loneliness, finds it unbearable to spend more than six hours apart from you. She bombards you with continuous calls, desperate to maintain a connection while you're engrossed in time with your friends. In response to her longing for affection and companionship, you choose to visit Blackjack's mansion, offering her the solace she craves.

This Blackjack has no relation to the one in Project Horizons, this Blackjack is the realistic and complex version that I made of her that appears in Mona Lisa Overdrive
(I mean, she acts like a real-life person with some of her personality traits)
This is a Spin-off series that I came up with, where you will have dates with my characters and others.

Chapters (1)

The Earth is still reeling from the effects of the Collision Wars against Xenolestia and her hordes of Newfoals, humanity having emerged victorious but a few million citizens fewer. Then yet another Equestria appears, but this time the humans are quick to cut off the head of the snake, capturing the evil Princess Celestia and imprisoning her. But something seems different about this Celestia...something almost friendly.

Can the Harmony and Friendship that Celestia has treasured all her life heal some of the scars left by her wicked counterpart, or do some wounds just run too deep?

Cover modified with permission from: KP-Shadowsquirrel

Also, because people have been asking for it, the original WW2 poster can be found here

Pre reading done by DJK. So go give him some wuv.

Chapters (57)

He never saw it coming. The glaring high beams and blaring honking wasn’t enough, and it never would be.

Marcus thought this would be the end, that he would finally have a place. But fate…well, it’s pretty finicky, especially when it comes to death.

Speaking of Death, there she is.

She wants what?!?! Infinity stones?! In exchange for what?!

Well now she’s got Marcus’ attention.

Inspired by Harmony Charmer's The Cake Batter Incident
Special Thanks to Wolven5 & Unamusedwaffle for Editing.
Cover Art made by MCShelster

Featured: 12/18/22 O_o
Featured: 12/20/22 - 12-22-22 O_o AGAIN!!!
Featured: 1/06/23 AGAIN!?!?!
Featured: 9/18/23 again!!!! WAHOO!!!!
Featured: 11/26/23 - 11/27/23 Again!? THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!!

Chapters (15)



My names Rimu and a nuke just got set off in my front yard! Crazy, I know. I'm a pretty big MLP:FIM fan, unfortunately I didn't finish the show before the nuke so I was pretty sad. Well I was until I woke up in a cave with a black screen Infront of me telling me that, "You've been selected for the program! Don't worry your the only one that survived!" Or some bullshit like that, I can't really remember.

Let's just skimp on the details, after I died I got reincarnated as a changeling queen. Thankfully I wasn't Chrysalis, the bad thing is that I may or may not affect the timeline. I haven't watched the episodes where they show the other timelines but I know that they ain't fun.

Well, now you know! My name's Rimu and I'm about to blow your damn minds!

Extra tag is:Crossover

Sex tag is for innuendos.
Heavy reworking of characters.
Scratch it, this shits a crack fic with a few bits of actual real story. Im so sorry if you guys got disappointed by the direction of the story, I'll try to do better.
Also AIwhisperer you inspired me to put the system in this fic, equis dreams is fucking awesome don't forget that.

Chapters (10)

The second week of Anon's impromptu displacement had gone reasonably well. The quaint folk of Ponyville have taken him in as well they could, considering his origins and uncommon physique. The local Goddess' of day and night bequeathed him a place to call his own (a bit of a fixer-upper, but he'll manage), and even granted him citizenship!

So why does he feel so conflicted? As the young man struggles to get his emotions under control, said horse Goddess butts in to keep him company.

He really doesn't mind.

Chapters (1)